trio 27 // Bonnen, Hölscher, Vazo trio 27 // Bonnen, Hölscher, Vazo

Contact information

Vazo: Recoubeau Jansac, France
Bonnen: Cologne, Germany
Hölscher: Leverkusen, Germany

Data Protection Policy

Realisation: Umbra

»Die Wolke des Vergessens IV«

Vazo painting
Wolke IV
Vazo is painting the picture for the backs of the cards, but he didn’t know that.
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In 2010 Dietmar invited Vazo to his 4th edition of »Die Wolke des Vergessens«. In this format musicians and artists meet for a single session, improvising on their own special instruments. There is no rehearsal and no agreement upfront. And the session will be recorded and produced as cd.

In this session the players are:

Marei Seuthe – cello, voice
Phil Reptil – electric guitar electrics, voice
Michael Pape – drums, voice
Dietmar Bonnen – e piano, voice

The artists are:

Vazo – painting
Peter Hölscher – photography

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Liquid Image »Wolke IV« by Peter, with a soundtrack by Dietmar.
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Peter took part in all of these sessions, photographing or doing other things. This time he took pictures in his liquid image style (see the result below). Additionally he equipped the musicians wrists with an orange led to make the movements of their hands visible on his photos.

For the artwork of the cd Peter used one of Vazo’s paintings as cover and label motif. Another painting of Vazo he used for the back sides of 5 cards of portaits of the musicians, which were added to the cd.

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cd cover
cd back
cd label
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Phil Reptil
Michael Pape
Marei Seuthe
Dietmar Bonnen
These cards are additions to the cd»Die Wolke IV«. They show the portraits of the musicians and artists except Peter himself. Watch the led traces.


Vazo painted during the whole session. At that time he didn‘ t know, what  would happen to his pictures …

Vazo’s paintings.
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